- Welcome
- About Us
- Ministries
- Giving
- Visitors
- "There's never a dumb question"
- "A Mother's Faith"
- "What If"
- "Hello, from the other side"
- "Salty"
- "The Compassion of Christ"
- "Don't Run In Vain"
- "Legacy"
- "Pit Stop"
- "From the Pit to the Palace"
- "It's all Good"
- "God is Everywhere"
- "The Gift of Hard Conversations"
- "Do you wanna be made well?"
- "Dead Man Walking"
- "Secret Agent"
- "Who's Side are you on?"
- "The Walk"
- "Stamp of Approval"
- "Water Walkers"
- "When Your Brother Comes Home" Part 2
- "I'm Cleaning It Up"
- "An Unnoticed king"
- "Why not me?"
- "An Uncommon Friendship"
- "On the Run"
- "Roots and Wings" Part 1
- "Roots and Wings" Part 2
- "Lest We Forget"
- "The Crown and the Dance"
- "The Real Goliath"
- "Like Father, Like Son"
- "Passing on the Torch"
- "There is a [Religion] Update Available"
- "Why Christmas?"
- "Discovering God's Vision for Your Life"
- "Climbing Companions"
- "Be Glad and Rejoice!"
- "Who Gets to Enlist"
- "Joy in the Journey"
- "What is Your Name?"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 1: "The Darkness"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 2: "The Loss of a Loved One"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 3: "Pain"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 4: "The Deception of Happiness"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 5: "Shame and Guilt"
- Finding God in the Dark part 6 "Addiction"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 7: "Financial Debt"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 8: "Divorce"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 9: "Loneliness & Depression"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 10: "Relational Conflict"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 11: "Spiritual Apathy"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 12: "Abuse"
- Finding God in the Dark Part 13: "Anxiety"
- Productive Parenting
- Above all Else Part 1
- Contagious Part 2
- Contagious Part 3
- Contagious part 4
- Contagious Part 5
- Contagious Part 6
- Contagious Part 7
- Contagious Part 8
- Contagious Part 9
- Contagious Part 10
- Facing God
- I don't know you
- Can I be sure?
- What Drives Your Life?
- Equipping for Service (Fri Vespers) - "You are a World Changer!"
- Equipping for Service (Sat) - "Are You Ready?"
- "We have seen His glory"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Losers"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Prejudice"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Hardships"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Injustice"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Timing"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Simplicity"
- Through the Eyes of God: "Conflict"
- Through the Eyes of God: Tomorrow
- Through the Eyes of God: "Yesterday"
- "I'm Not Enough"
- "Just spread the Word"
- The Storyteller Series: "The Storyteller"
- The Storyteller Series: "Identity"
- The Storyteller Series: "The Good Samaritan"
- The Storyteller Series: "The Sheepfold Parable"
- The Storyteller Series: "The God who Cares, and Answers Prayers"
- The Storyteller Series: "Hearts Awry"
- The Storyteller Series: "The Unforgiving Slave"
- The Storyteller Series: "The Invitation"
- The Storyteller Series: "Two Sons, Two Builders... One Project"
- Growing Younger Series: "Growing Younger"
- Growing Younger Series: "Sharing the Keys"
- "This Is A Bible"
- "So Send I You"
- "A Discerning Heart"
- "Almost Ashes"
- "Digging Ditches"
- "When to Sing"
- Growing Younger Series: "Being the Best Neighbor"
- "The Good News / Bad News"
- Growing Younger Series: "Empathy: You're Not Alone"
- Growing Younger Series: "Jesus, Deeper Still"
- "Breaking Barriers"
- "Unyielding Love"
- Growing Younger Series: "Feels Like Family"
- Growing Younger Series: "No More Excuses"
- Growing Younger Series: "Creating Change When You Aren't In Charge"
- "Grateful"
- "Keeping Life In Focus"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "Everything With Purpose"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "Together"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "Inspired Action"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "Authenticity"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "God's Imagination"
- Value Driven Ministry Series: "Make Tomorrow Better"
- By Faith Series: "The Ancients"
- By Faith Series: "Noah"
- By Faith Series: "Cain & Abel"
- By Faith Series: "Abraham"
- Strength in Weakness | Pastor Sergio
- Flying Free | Nancy Manente
- Easter 2020 // I AM // Pastor Sergio Manente
- Christ's Last Will & Testament
- Trusting God in Times of Crisis
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E1 | Wait for Him
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E2 | He Knows Your Heart
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E3 | Spirit Fire
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E4 | Expectations
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E5 | Church in Trouble
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E6 |Soul Survivor
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E7 |What Now?
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E8 | Acts Ch9 |GET UP AND GO!
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E9 | Acts Ch10-11 |Peter's AH HA Moment
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E13 | Acts Ch 16 |Dangerous
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E14 | Acts Ch 17 |The Unknown God
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E15 | Acts Ch 18-20 |IKIGAI
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E16 | Acts Ch 21-26 |Almost
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E17 | Acts Ch 22 |The Born Identity
- Unstoppable: The Church Unleashed Series | E18 | Acts Ch 27-28 |The Hope of Israel
- "How to Escape Anxiety with God's Help"
- "Is the Deal Still On?"
- "Craving Broken Bones"
- US and THEM: "Friendly Fire"
- US and THEM: "Neither God's nor Devils"
- US and THEM: "Is God Good When Life Isn't?"
- US and THEM: "Relational Pressure Points"
- US and THEM: "Whose Side Are You On?"
- "Equipped Exhaustion"
- "Words on the Mirror"
- "In Pursuit of Strength" Part 1
- "In Pursuit of Truth" Part 2
- "In Pursuit of Lasting Joy" Part 3
- "That's All I Can Stand...I Can Stand No More!"
- "God Is In Control"
- "The Unconventional God"
- "The Gift of Giving"
- "Hindsight Is..."
- MOSES: "Rescued to Deliver" Part 1
- MOSES: "Here I Am" Part 2
- MOSES: "Let My People Go!" Part 3
- MOSES: "Love Wins" Part 9
- MOSES: "The Golden Calf" Part 8
- MOSES: "The Point of No Return" Part 4
- MOSES: "The Song, The Grumbling & the Manna" Part 5
- MOSES: "The Power of One" Part 6
- MOSES: "Everything Points to Him" Part 10
- MOSES: "The Heart Of The Matter" Part 7
- MOSES: "Long Enough" Part 11
- "Not In My House"
- "Forever Encounters" Part 1
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "Don't Be Afraid; Just Believe" Part 2
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "Just a Little Boy" Part 3
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "In The Beginning..." Part 5
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "The Whisperer" Part 6
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "Blind No More" Part 7
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "Woman In The Wall" Part 9
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "A Disturbing Encounter" Part 10
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "The M & M Encounter" Part 11
- FOREVER ENCOUNTERS: "Something Is Missing" Part 12
- "Not Hot Enough"
- "Where Are You?"
- "Homefield Disadvantage"
- "Hungry Redemption"
- "God's Equation"
- "Impressing Jesus"
- "Vital Connection"
- "The Watchman"
- "Sound Advice" Part 1
- "Sound Advice" Part 2
- "Experiencing the Attitude of God"
- "Fruitful"
- FRUITFUL: "Love: The Enduring Advantage"
- FRUITFUL: "Patience: The Art of Waiting"
- FRUITFUL: "Faithful: No Strings Attached"
- FRUITFUL: "Kindness: Within & Without"
- FRUITFUL: "Peace Within the Storm"
- FRUITFUL: "Self Control"
- FRUITFUL: "Gracious Goodness"
- FRUITFUL: "Let Your Gentleness Be Evident to All"
- Unthankful
- The Advantage of Certainty: Part II - Pastor Sergio
- The Advantage of Certainty: Part I - Pastor Sergio
- God Gets You - Pastor Fred
- Escape to the Chateau - Nancy Manente
- Unwrapped - Pastor Sergio
- The Blessing - Pastor Larissa
- Worth the Wait- Pastor Sergio
- What Happens Next - Pastor Sergio
- False Claims - Pastor Sergio
- Rumors of Wars - Pastor Sergio
- Now You See Me - Pastor Larissa
- The Earth Cries Out - Pastor Sergio
- Prayer: Steering Wheel or Spare Tire? - Pastor Fred
- I Will Speak For You - Pastor Sergio
- The Fig Tree - Pastor Sergio
- Worthy Mistakes - Pastor Larissa
- If I Go, I Will Return - Pastor Sergio
- Cross Training - Pastor Sergio
- God's Plan - Pastor Fred
- Everyday, Everyday! - Nancy Manente
- Risen - Pastor Sergio
- I'M IN! - Pastor Sergio
- Expressions of Love - Pastor Larissa
- Breathe - Pastor Sergio
- 80 TO 1 - Pastor Sergio
- Storying - Pastor Troy
- Seeing Life through God's Perspective - Pastor Fred
- The Work Around - Pastor Larissa
- Desperate - Pastor Sergio
- Dim Bright - Pastor Sergio
- Don't Let Your Condition Define Your Position - Pastor Fred
- Excellence - Pastor Sergio
- Fred "PASSION"
- Solidarity - Pastor Sergio
- Authenticity - Pastor Victor
- Sensitivity: Serve Compassionately - Pastor Larissa - 7-30-22
- Creativity - Pastor Sergio - 8-6-22
- Mission Mindedness - Pastor Sergio
- Distant Shores - Sermon - 8-20-22
- Staying the Course Message 8 27 22
- The Broken Road: Following Jesus Through Thick and Thin Pastor Vic Message
- Sent - Pastor Sergio - Message 09-10-22
- Crumbs - Pastor Sergio - Message 9-17-22
- You're Invited - Pastor Sergio - Message 9-24-22
- Becoming Trusted Sources in a Fake News World - Pastor Richie Brower Message
- Little Giants - Pastor Nancy - The Message 10-8-22
- Doing This Together - Pastor Sergio - Message 10-15-22
- Dungeon Pen Pal the Letter to Phillipians - Pastor Sergio - the message 10-22-22
- The Choice to Rejoice - Pastor Vic
- Without Fault - Pastor Sergio - Message 11-12-22
- From Riches to Rags - Pastor Sergio - The Message 11-5-22
- CITIZENSHIP - Pastor Sergio
- Building--no, SHREDDING--Your Righteousness Resume - Pastor Vic
- Think On This - Pastor Sergio
- Future Phobia - Pastor Victor
- It's All About The Presents - Nancy Manente
- Christmas Program 2022
- A Year of Triumph - Message 12-31-22
- The Law of Identity - The Message - 01-07-23
- Do Over - Just the Message - 01-14-23
- Beating Around the Burning Bush - Pastor David Jamieson - Just The Message - 01-21-23
- UNDIGNIFIED - Pastor Nancy - Just The Message - 02 04 23
- Especially Now - Pastor Sergio
- Word - Pastor Sergio - Just The Message - 02-11-23
- The Unconquerable Light - Just The Message - Pastor Sergio - 02-18-23
- Through The Things That Are Made - Just The Message - Pastor Vic - 02-25-23
- Image - Just The Message - Pastor Sergio - 03-04-23
- The Promise - Just The Message - Pastor Dave Ferguson - 03-11-23
- The Heavenly Missionary - Just The Message - Pastor Vic - 03-18-23
- The Israel of God - Pastor Vic - 3-25-23
- God Is Here - Just The Message - Pastor Sergio - 04-01-23
- Body Of Evidence - Just The Message - Pastor Sergio - 04-08-23
- Body Of Evidence p.2 - Pastor Sergio
- So Send I You - Just The Message - Pastor Nancy - 04-15-23
- Return - Just The Message - Pastor Vic - 04-22-23
- Look At Us! - Just The Message - Pastor Sergio - 04-29-23
- Seemingly Insignificant - Just The Message - Pastor Vic - 05-06-23
- Can A Mother Forget - Pastor Sergio
- Free Indeed - Pastor Sergio
- Deepest Fake - Just The Message
- Truth Or Dare - Just The Sermon
- The Observers - Just the Sermon - Pastor Sergio
- Grandpa's Chair - Just the Sermon - Pastor Nancy
- If Your Happy And You Know It - Pastor Sergio
- Displacing Demons - Pastor Vic
- The Fellowship: Part 1 - Pastor Sergio
- The Fellowship: Part 2 - Pastor Sergio
- The Fellowship: Part 3 - Pastor Sergio
- The Great Neutralizer - Pastor Sergio
- The Dark Command - Pastor Vic
- What if.... - Pastor Sergio
- Who is He, Sir? - Pastor Sergio
- Sanctified Part 1: Heart - Pastor Vic
- Sanctified Part 2: Brain - Pastor Vic
- Irresistibly Compelled - Pastor Sergio
- It Is I - Pastor Sergio
- Forgotten Letters - Pastor Nancy
- "A Call To Worship The God Of Genesis" - Guest Dr. Stan Hudson
- "Origin of the Oceans" & "Origins of Dinosaurs Parts 2 & 3- Guest Dr. Stan Hudson
- No Room For Rivals - Pastor Vic
- The Autographed Heart - Pastor Sergio
- Sacred Syllables - Pastor Vic
- I Made It For You - Pastor Sergio
- The Almond Tree and the Boiling Pot
- Honor - Pastor Sergio
- Choose Love - Pastor Sergio
- Swipe Left - Pastor Vic
- True That - Pastor Sergio
- Send me to the rich - Pastor Nancy
- THE GREAT MYSTERY - Pastor Sergio
- Resolved - Pastor Sergio
- Angeled Mirrors - Pastor Vic
- The God Moment Part 2 - Pastor Sergio
- The God Moment Part 1 - Pastor Sergio
- Faith in the Fog - Pastor Vic
- Everything Under Heaven - Pastor Nancy
- UNASHAMED - Pastor Sergio
- Sold Under Sin Part 1 - Pastor Sergio
- Sold Under Sin Part 2 - Pastor Vic
- "PICK ME, PICK ME!" - Pastor Nancy
- Adam's Family - Pastor Sergio
- Love God And Do As You Please - Pastor Vic
- Who Will Rescue Me - Pastor Sergio
- Easter Sunday - Living Proof - Pastor Vic
- "No More Condemnation" - Pastor Nancy
- Suffering and Glory - Pastor Vic
- The Problem with Judging - Pastor Sergio
- Inseparable - Pastor Sergio
- Here Be Dragons - Pastor Sergio
- The Providence Puzzle - Pastor Vic
- Nehemiah from tears to laughter - Pastor Sergio
- Nehemiah from tears to laughter (Part 2) - Pastor Sergio
- Nehemiah (Part 3) - Pastor Sergio
- Selfie Gone Wrong - Pastor Sergio
- Grace AND Truth - Pastor Vic
- Christus Victor - Pastor Vic
- What Will It Take To Awake? -- Shonna Moak
- Bargains - Pastor Sergio
- This Is Easy - Pastor Sergio
- Chasing The Wind - Pastor Vic
- Filip Paper - Pastor Sergio
- Lens Crafting - Pastor Vic
- Ctrl + Z - Pastor Vic
- Sharper - Pastor Sergio
- Eutychus Today - Pastor Sergio
- Do It Again Lord - Pastor Sergio
- A Holy Reservation Part 1 - Pastor Nancy
- A Holy Reservation Part II
- Ready Or Not - Pastor Vic
- Self Interrupted - Pastor Sergio
- The God Frequency - Pastor Sergio
- The Puzzle of Life - Pastor Fred
- OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Pastor's Mental Health Story - Pastor Paddy McCoy
- If I Knew Then What I Know Now - Pastor Sergio
- This Matters - I AM - Pastor Sergio
- This Matters: The Rooster's Crow - Pastor Vic
- Such Great Faith: This Matters - Paster Sergio
- Using God - Pastor Vic
- Priorities - Paster Nancy
- When Greatness Wears An Apron - Pastor Vic
- Christmas 2024
- Harvest Time - This Matters - Pastor Sergio
- Sanctuary - Paster Nancy
- Perspective - Pastor Sergio
- Who Are The People Of God? - Pastor Vic
- Wings of Faith - Pastor Eric Brown
- Bethel, House of God - Pastor Jason Worf
- Daniel 1 - Faithful Through The Chaos - Paster Sergio
- Bible Studies
- Richland Adventist Church App
- Forms & Applications
- Diaper Bank
- Newsletter
- Tri-City Adventist School
- More Resources
- Prayer Requests
- Calendar